About us


As from 1999 we are committed to the immense power of education as a vehicle to transform lives. That is why we work with passion to offer, through non-formal education, training and individual development opportunities to the youth and adults in communities that most require it in our country.


Fundación Educando’s mission is the social, labor, and digital inclusion of young people and adults in situations of vulnerability, promoting non-formal education through the commitment of social and educational actors towards community strengthening.


We understand social inclusion as the growth of community ties among individuals, allowing for the strengthening of community development and grassroots organizations.



We believe that this should also include a focus on employment inclusion, seen as an improvement of employability and entrepreneurial capacity, recognizing the challenges of the 21st century.

We consider digital inclusion to be fundamental, understood as the introduction of young people and adults to the technological and digital world in all its dimensions.


A united and supportive society, without inequalities and environmentally sustainable, with proactive young people and adults seeking solutions to their community problems; generating personal and collective growth from a healthy public space that facilitates social, educational, and labor integration.

Our values


From the individual to the community and from the community to the whole country.


Education is an essential right of every human being, independently of their age and condition. It makes us free, it dignifies us.

We know that improving individual capacities, improves integration to social life, and promotes the community development.

We work for the construction of a fairer, more equitable society, in which each person may have the possibility to choose.

Efficiency in the management of all processes.


We have an informatics system management, monitoring and oversight processes of all our venues along our country, with our education partners from each community in an interactive way.

AS ISO 9001 certified we guarantee quality and efficiency in all our processes, procedures and funding.

We first get acquainted with what is needed


Our programmes are directed to the communities with the least opportunities, hand in hand with education as a means to progress.

We offer formation based on a profound respect for their reality, culture and dignity, seeking personal and institutional development that will give sustainability to the whole community.

We even work with difficulties such as those present in the vast territory of Argentina, where isolation is one of the main causes of social disintegration.

Commitment and responsibility


It is through permanent dialogue that we fulfill our social commitment to every social sector.

We integrate communities with the cultural respect they deserve, to achieve educational excellence as a whole, aspiring to reach the highest quality standards in our programmes.

We work responsibly because we know that education is our main ally to help each individual get rid of their vulnerability.

Sustainable Development Goals

Aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), we aim to promote health and well-being for families and provide quality education, building partnerships between different social actors. Our goal in contributing to community development is to generate equal opportunities and combat poverty to build a more equitable society.

Authorities and team

Bettina Bulgheroni


Facundo Ortiz de Zarate

Executive Director

José Flores

Program Director

Alejandro Bulgheroni (h)

Sports Program

Sergio Daguerre


Our current achievements

locations throughout the country
venues throughout the country
courses per year
students in the mobile classroom
students trained

Goals reached until 2023

“Every year we respond to a need that seems invisible but is a reality in each human being”

In 2023, we managed to reach a total of 9,673 courses and workshops nationwide.

“A transformation requires constancy of purpose and learning over time”

8,616 students trained in 2023 alone.

“We know that by improving individual capabilities, people’s integration into social life improves, promoting the development of the whole community.”

We managed to train 160,000 students, providing them with the necessary tools for new opportunities.

2021 - 2025

The strategic plan of  Fundación Educando considers external aspects or dimensions (community, educational and socio-labor dimensions) and internal dimensions (institutional dimension) to be developed and strengthened for the next few years, focusing action on the period 2021-2025.

Awards and recognitions